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With more than twenty years of experience, IMP, d.d. manages the area of cogeneration projects from their planning and execution to the long-term maintenance of complete CHP systems.

IMP, d.d. is a pioneer in the planning and execution of CHP projects in the Republic of Slovenia.

CHP systems produce electrical and thermal energy simultaneously and reduce carbon emissions by around 20 %. They also reduce users’ electricity costs by approximately one third.

Whether for heating or cooling, IMP, d.d. offers assistance in solving problems related to your energy needs.

What is cogeneration?

Cogeneration is the production of energy that is more efficient than conventional forms of energy production due to smaller losses in its transfer and lower consumption of the primary energy product, since energy is produced at the location of its use.

In the conventional production of energy obtained from power plants, enormous losses occur in the transfer of energy itself, as well as in the form of waste heat recovery.

Cogeneration is the co-production of electrical energy and useful heat either in the form of hot water or steam using a primary energy project such as, for example, natural gas. Cogeneration provides for savings of up to 40% in the consumption of primary energy products.


Trigeneration, as its name indicates, refers to the production of energy in three forms: electrical, heating, and cooling. In this process, water is cooled by the help of an absorption chiller built into the system. The absorption chiller takes the waste heat from the cogeneration system and produces cooling water for cooling a facility.

The incorporation of an absorption chiller in the cogeneration system offers the possibility of increasing a device’s number of operating hours during increased heat consumption, particularly in the summer season.

Trigeneration reduces both the consumption of non-renewable primary sources and emissions of CO2 (up to 50%) as well as other harmful gases into the environment.


Facilities with high thermal energy consumption intent on optimising or reducing energy consumption costs and lowering emission levels of exhaust gases to the prescribed limits, e.g.:

  • hotels
  • commercial/shopping centres
  • waste disposal sites
  • industrial facilities
  • intergenerational centres
  • schools
  • kindergartens
  • residential buildings
  • residential neighbourhoods
  • hospital facilities
  • health resorts
  • swimming pools


Economic viability

The economic viability of an investment is influenced the following parameters:

  • price of energy product
  • purchase price of electricity
  • investment price
  • maintenance costs