1947 –Establishment of Instalacijsko podjetje TOPLOVOD, with mechanical installations as its main activity.
1963 –The company fuses with the ELEKTROSIGNAL electrical installations company to form TOPLOVOD-ELEKTROSIGNAL Ljubljana, a company engaged in the design, manufacture and installation of thermal, mechanical, sanitary, strong current and weak current devices, import and export activities. At year end the company is renamed IMP Industrijsko-montažno podjetje Ljubljana.
1974 – The company is renamed IMP – Industrijsko montažno podjetje, Ljubljana, n.sol.o.
1979 – Growth and expansion of IMP’s activities and integration of other companies to form SOZD IMP, o.sol.o., a composite organisation of associated labour in which companies are engaged in installation activities, manufacturing, design and engineering, and which also includes an internal bank.
1990 – Harmonisation with the Companies Act, cancellation of SOZD IMP, and transfer of rights and obligations to the newly formed company IMP – inženiring, montaža, proizvodnja, r.o.
1991 –Entry of joint stock company IMP – inženiring, montaža, proizvodnja, d.d. in the register.
1997 –Successful completion of ownership transformation.
2005 – In line with the development of its activities, the company is renamed IMP, družba za svetovanje, projektiranje, inženiring in gradnjo objektov, d.d.; abbreviated name: IMP, d.d.
2008 – IMP, d.d. introduces a quality system in its business operations and acquires the ISO 9001:2008 certificate.
2013 – IMP, d.d., družba za svetovanje, projektiranje, inženiring in gradnjo is registered at the District Court of Ljubljana under entry number 1/05217/00.