We have extensive experience in the area of automatic fire-fighting systems. This is confirmed by the numerous facilities implemented in Slovenia and abroad. In the area of fire protection systems, we cooperate with MINIMAX, an internationally reputed manufacturer domiciled in Germany, and with other recognized manufacturers of fire-fighting equipment.
Our experts will carefully examine your request for the installation of a fire protection system and find the best solution on a case by case basis. Any special requests will be verified on the facility as the need arises
Execution of installations
A fire protection system must operate properly at all times, which is why the materials installed have to be correctly selected and of the best quality. Experienced contractors with the necessary expertise are a prerequisite for a properly executed installation.
Equipment sales
We provide for the purchase of complete active fire-fighting systems by internationally reputed producers in one place and at competitive prices. Thanks to our long-standing experience, we can offer buyers correct technical information and assist in selecting suitable products.
Commissioning and training
The proper commissioning and establishment of the operational function of a fire-fighting system is a prerequisite for the reliable and safe operation of an active fire-fighting installation. Our experts will verify the attained sizes of the installation and perform commissioning of the fire-fighting system in accordance with professional rules. Our well-trained operators of fire-fighting systems will ensure that your installation is in good condition, and our experts will inform you on all tasks that need to be performed for its operation.